I come back to my blog after nearly a month to see... 198 page views?? For a mere 3 blog posts? I feel really bad, and a little bit embarrassed.... I mean, I informed so many people about this, making it seem like I'm this super-intellectual supermom who has time for everything (just saying, I really do NOT claim to be either of these 2 titles), but in reality, I'm just :
*too tired,
*too lazy, or
*too packed for time.
Or all three.
Honestly, it is NOT easy trying to juggle a baby, a household, a job, family, a social life.... but you gotta what you gotta do! I see all these other women around me who seem to be managing everything so beautifully, and set that as a standard for myself... but any mom will tell you, it's a farce. It's just the reality we want to show the world, or maybe we are just trying to fool ourselves into thinking that we can do everything.
And in the process, we burn ourselves out and stay unhappy.
Okay so now I've suddenly realised, what is this post about?! I have no idea!!! Oops sorry! It's just that I wanted to badly for this blog to be somewhat of a personal success, something that I would work hard at to make me feel good about myself and improve it over time, but things don't always work out the way we want to, do they?!
That being said.... Life's great! Alhumdulillah (Allah be praised). All these things that keep me busy... what if they weren't there? Life isn't complete without trials and tribulations, good things and bad, and challenges.... it's what keeps us going, and if we have something to look forward to, well why else would we not move ahead?
Again, I will constantly hope and try to be active at this space.... maybe coming back after so long, (and seeing all those pageviews!) will be motivation enough for me to take out a half hour once every few days to update this space.... Or maybe my dear, dear followers can inspire me :)
Well it's back to work for now... yes I'm at 'work', in office, but to my defense, I don't have anything to do right now :) Well up until now, anyway.... it's time to get back, finish up my remaining work, and head home to my darling little angel... who, by the way, is now 13 months old, MashaAllah!!!
I hope to be back sooner than I think :)